What we do
Check out our driver analysis report! It shows you the planned journey vrs the actual journey, how long they were onsite and most importantly, if they kept to the plan!
by x_y_loct
Office Tree is up!
by x_y_loct
It's quick and easy to find the most efficient, fastest route using XY Locate's dynamic re-routing technology - you're always prepared for the unexpected!
by x_y_loct
5G holds a lot of promise - it's been touted as being up to 100x faster than 4G, and as an enabling tech in many areas, from autonomous vehicles, to smart cities to the IoT
by x_y_loct
65% of customers in the UK are reported to have experienced delayed delivery during the pandemic
by x_y_loct
What are your pain points when it comes to your couriers?
by x_y_loct
The SaaS market is forecast to reach $116 billion in 2020.
by x_y_loct
In 2016 McKinsey predicted that within a decade, around 80% of consumer parcels would be delivered by robots.
by x_y_loct
XY Locate is the most configurable and flexible solution of its kind - a true end to end solution for couriers!
by x_y_loct
A recent report found businesses who have adopted IoT solutions have enjoyed an uptick in pace in business continuity and completion of projects over the course of the pandemic.
by x_y_loct